2 minute read

So if you are still just laying around and being lazy, you have to remember that you have to be meaningful to others. When you leave this world, will others miss you?

..said one of my teachers when I was in class a while back.

“The greatest achievement is when people consider you significant”. Everyone wants to be loved and missed after they are not around anymore. As a human who’s still alive, I would agree with that. However, since I am still alive, that’s too biased.

Surprise surprise, we will all one day die! Of course, duh, that’s the point, we want to be remembered AFTER we die, I already know that. Okay but, isn’t it weird that we want to have something AFTER we are no longer humans?

Just think about it. Being remembered is only meaningful when you are a human, otherwise it’s probably not that great. I don’t think dusts would like to be remembered, yet, we may one day become.. dusts. I personally believe that there will be nothing after we die, and the matters that composed us will continue to be used for other things—so that most likely include random goo flying around that we call dust.

You can disagree with that, since most of us believe that this world will continue to run like this even after we die so being remembered will still be great. And that’s okay, but I would still disagree with that. This “reality” is not even objective since we are biased by our own unique set of senses, mind, and even size. If you are some other animal, you will probably perceive this universe in a very different way. There might be some mysterious force that we are not able to detect, too! Senses emerge after billions of years of life experimenting. Point is, it’s a living humans-only thing. It won’t matter anymore later.

There is nothing “universally” meaningful, it’s created by us—humans. And even then, the things that I consider meaningful are different than yours. Once you die, nothing else is gonna meaningful. And in this life, you have to chase what you think is meaningful to you, not what others think as precious.

The problem here is wanting something that won’t matter anymore in the future. I think that the ways to achieve that are more important. To be remembered, you often have to do great things to others—and that’s more important. I don’t think you should be kind to others just for the sake of being remembered. It’s a great deed to treat others who are probably as conscious as you nicely.

Therefore, it’s’ all up to you—it’s all about the people who matter to you, not about how much people care about you. There is nothing wrong with remembering our loved ones who are no longer around (or in our life). Loving the people who have left us. Cherishing what others don’t even think about.