less than 1 minute read

I found a CLI app called arttime today while browsing Reddit and I find it extremely useful and aesthetic! It’s a 2000-lined zsh shell script (yes but bear with me for a second) that helps you to manage your time doing a task, in a fun way (if you love CLI).

arttime screenshot

It can be used as an “idle app” you just sort of put in the background. I guess we love to have “idle” apps around? Idk, I certainly do love these kind of thing. I usually have a sudden urge to write or sound my thoughts so having this handy little board where you can write your thought of the day is kinda cool and fun. Plus, Arttime’s ASCII art library is gigantic! And I actually got hooked in managing my time with this thing.

At first I kinda doubt about its performance. Like, heck, a shell script? But it’s a zsh script. Yeah I guess it’s sort of better than a gigantic bash script–they tend to be slower.

I’m too lazy to explain its actual time managing functionality though, so head to Arttime’s repo now!

P.S: I’m not endorsed.