1 minute read

Ever since I got interested in Linux—that was back in January 2021, I’ve always wanted to read my 3rd grade IT book since it had some Linux stuff on it. My school (I’m still at the same school as my old one) used Edubuntu for their computers back then. Not just the school institution at my city—probably the entire institution used it. For my elementary school, I’ve witnessed Edubuntu powering our computers for 3 years, 2016-2018.

Yeah the book is just 6 years old, not a 29 y/o piece of history with Slackware on it, but it’s still a big history for me considering that I’m 13. 6 years = 46% of my life.

My book is at… who knows where. It probably got wet during a flood in March 2020 so yeah it’s long gone. I recently found someone who still had the book and she agreed to gave it to me yesterday without any cost, so thank you so much to you! The book content isn’t too big of a surprise to me though, since I’ve read 1/10 of the book before from someone that still owns the book so I already know some of the contents inside. That person already lost the book by the time Indonesia is finally able to do real-life school, unfortunately.

The book teaches kids about the basics of Linux GUI, Tux Paint, touch typing, and ALTERNATIVES TO MICROSOFT STUFF. YEAH. They mentioned the differences between KolourPaint and MS Paint, LibreOffice Writer and MS Word, and that kind of stuff. And I learned that me and my classmates used to learn LibreOffice Writer and not MS Word which is surprising.

